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Student Parking Information

To help eliminate problems and provide structure and safety in our student parking lot before and after school hours, Niles McKinley High School students are required to purchase a parking permit to hang on the mirror of their vehicle. The parking lot is private and requires a permit for use.

Student parking is on a first come, first serve basis. Student parking spots that are painted are reserved for the Senior students that chose to paint them. All students must have a parking permit registration form (link below) completed and signed by the student and parent. Completed forms will be turned into the high school office where the secretary will also need to make a copy of the driver's license and insurance card for the vehicle. Once this is complete, the student will receive the permit to hang in their vehicle. The cost for a permit is $15.00. All checks can be made out to Niles McKinley High School. Administrators will check the lot for cars that have not purchased a permit.