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Niles City Schools

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Fiscal Service's Department

Chief Financial Officer

Sean Miller- (330) 989-5095        
Fiscal Office Personnel 
Lori Proper, Fiscal Specialist-Budgetary - (330) 989-5095 ext. 4006
  • Accounts Payable/Purchase Orders
  • Accounts Receivable/Receipts
  • Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Enrollment  
  • Employment Contracts
Tiffany Hughes, Fiscal Specialist-Payroll - (330) 989-5095 ext. 4005
  • Payroll Processing
  • Salary calculations
  • Retirement/Severance calculations
  • Address/Phone Changes
  • Deductions, annuities, etc.
The Niles City School Fiscal Services Department is committed to serving the District, the Community and its Stakeholders. Through the implementation of the Board of Education's policies and procedures our team contributes to the continued improvement and success of our students, staff and community.

The CFO and the fiscal team are an integral part of a chain of team players which include the Board of Education, Superintendent and Building/Department Administrators and staff.  The CFO assures that the District provides relevant, authentic reporting and information that paint an accurate picture of the fiscal condition of the Niles City School District, which includes providing the economic strategy and financial forecasting of the District. In addition, the CFO oversees all receipts and disbursements of all funds of the District. Other designated responsibilities of the public school district treasurer are set forth in Ohio Revised Code sections 3313.22 through 3313.32.

The Fiscal Services Department affects all areas of the educational process. Although the team does not have direct contact with students, it is an integral part of the education of students i.e. paying staff salaries and benefits, purchase of instructional supplies and equipment, paying utility bills, etc.  In addition, it is ensured that the fiscal team will always deal with stakeholders in a professional manner in order to maintain an atmosphere of excellence. The team strives to provide outstanding services to all stakeholders.

Links to Current and Historical Five Year Forecasts:

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides substantial federal financial resources to support states and local school districts. Ohio’s state ARP plan was approved by the U.S. Dept. of Education.

The federal requirements emphasize transparency and information for the public about actions to be taken and how financial resources will be used. Accordingly, districts are required to develop and publicly share a "Local Use of Funds" plan detailing how ARP funds will be used at the local level. You can click on the links below to access the Niles City School District's plan on how the ARP funds will be utilized:

  1. Budget.pdf
  2. Budget Details.pdf

CUPP Report (District Profile Report) provides the reader with District Demographic, Personnel, Property Valuation, Millage, Operating Expenditure/Revenue data and compares it to similar districts and statewide averages: 

Glossary of Terms

Real Estate Taxes: Taxes levied on land and buildings located within the school district.  Property owners, both individual and commercial, pay this tax on the property they own.  The factors used to determine tax amounts are based on the assessed value (35%) and the millage rate.
Market Value: This is the estimated value of your property if you were to sell it.  The county auditor determines the market value of all property in Trumbull County. The auditor calculates the taxable value for each property.
Taxable/Assessed Value: The taxable value and assessed value are the same thing. The taxable value is determined by taking your market value x 35%. Ex: $100,000 is valued at $35,000.
Re-appraisal and Triennial Updates: The county auditor assigns a market value for all of the property in Trumbull County. Every six (6) years the auditor performs a re-appraisal where all of the properties are appraised to determine their market value.  Every three (3) years the auditor performs a triennial update which is solely based upon home sales.
Millage (not to be confused with million): Property taxes are computed in what is called a "mill." One mill is 1/1000 or .001 and costs a property owner $1.00 for every $1,000 of taxable value.