Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on February 1, 2025
Please ensure you are selecting the correct school year of 2024-2025 if registering for the remainder of this year or the school year of 2025-2026 to register for next year
New student enrollment is for those families who live within the Niles City School District limits and meet the necessary age requirements
- Kindergarten registrants must be age 5 by September 30th of the current year to register
- Mini Dragons Preschool registrants must be age 4 by September 30th of the current year to apply
Getting Started
Create your FinalForms parent account and register your student by clicking the blue NEW ACCOUNT button (as shown)
You MAY already have a FinalForms account that you used to submit online forms for academics or athletics at the High School or Middle School; if so, you should register your NEW student by clicking the blue ADD STUDENT button that is available when you log into your FinalForms Parent Account
Complete the following steps to register your child:
Please be sure to select the correct school year when enrolling your child
1. Add your Student
Click the blue ADD STUDENT button (as shown below) to begin registering your child
Note: Student's Legal Name must be full name as shown on child's birth certificate
2. Complete ALL Required Forms
Once you click UPDATE STUDENT in your account you will see a list of student forms in the left hand margin of your page
Note: Each form must include Parent/Guardian Signature and be submitted by clicking the blue SUBMIT FORM button at the bottom of each form's page (as shown below). Once completed, the form will change from pink to green. If you do not sign and submit, the information on the form you entered will be lost and you will have to start over
3. Provide Required Documentation
Click the Manage Documents button in your account to upload your child's required documents OR contact us at the number listed to the right to schedule an appointment to bring in your documents
No documents should be taken to the school buildings unless our office specifically instructs you to do so.
The following documents are required:
- Child's Original Birth Certificate
- Child's Immunization Record
- 2 Forms of Proof of Residency (additional information below)
- Photo ID or Parent/Guardian
- Court/Custody Documentation, if applicable. Applications for custody changes must be filed in and stamped by the court; final custody orders must be signed by the judge/magistrate. Documents notarized only are not acceptable.
- Most Recent IEP/ETR/MFE, if child receives services
4. Submit Registration Forms
Your child's registration in Niles City Schools is NOT COMPLETE until you submit ALL FORMS for your child AND provide ALL required documentation. Our office will contact you if any additional information is needed. Once we approve the registration, your child's file will be sent to their building of attendance.
5. Welcome to Niles City Schools!
You will be contacted by your child's school building regarding their start date, schedule, etc.
If you have questions regarding that information, please contact your child's school building directly