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Niles City Schools

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Attendance Information

The Niles City School District is committed to increasing student attendance, engagement, and academic achievement. Attending school is both necessary and required by law. It is a critical concern, as students need to be present to engage with learning. Studies show student attendance directly impacts achievement and graduation and students cannot learn if they are are missing instruction, classroom participation, and valuable learning experiences. 

Starting with the 2023-24 school year, the District joined the Cleveland Browns Stay in the Game Attendance Network to improve attendance within our schools. Together we look forward to keeping our students in the game to set them up for success! Click here to learn more about the Stay in the Game initiative!

Additional information on the school's attendance policies and procedures can be found below.

Arrival & Dismissal

Arrival & Dismissal

Because of the volume of traffic in and out of our parking lots, students will only enter the building through the main doors on Dragon Drive no earlier than 7:00 a.m. Students entering the building prior to 7:20 a.m. must report to the cafeteria and are not permitted in the halls or at their lockers. Students who arrive late must sign in at the attendance office before going to class. 

Dismissal begins at 2:45 p.m.

Attendance Definitions

In December 2016, the Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 410 to encourage and support a preventative approach to excessive absences and truancy. The law sets forth the following criteria for Ohio schools to follow when calculating student absences. All time absent from school is calculated in hours.

  • Chronic Absenteeism: absent 10% or more of the school year for any reason. It includes excused and unexcused absences. 
  • Excessive Absenteeism:  absent, without a legitimate excuse, for 38 or more hours in one school month, or 65 or more hours in a school year.
  • Habitually Truant: absent, without a legitimate excuse, for 30 or more consecutive hours, 42 or more hours in one school month, or 72 or more hours in one school year. Habitual truancy only counts absences without a legitimate excuse. When a student meets the definition of habitually truant, the district is required to assign the student to an absence intervention team to develop a plan with the family. Only when those interventions are unsuccessful does the school or district file a truancy complaint.

Excused Absences

The following are considered excused absences:
  • Death of a family member
  • Personal illness with doctor's note
  • Quarantine of the home
  • Religious holiday
  • School field trips
  • Superintendent approval
All absences must have proper documentation submitted.

Extracurricular Attendance Policy

Students must be in attendance before the end of first period (8:25 a.m.) to be eligible for extracurricular activities. The school administration may excuse a student for the following reasons:
  • Routine doctor appointments with written permission
  • Attendance at a funeral
  • School business
  • Absences approved in advance, such as college visitation
  • Other good and just causes
Students expelled, suspended from school, or serving in-school intervention are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities during that period of time.

Make-up Assignment Policy

Each student who has been absent must immediately, upon return to school, make arrangements with his/her teacher(s) to make up missed work. Students are given one (1) day to make up homework/assignments, etc., for each day of excused absence. For example, if the student has been absent for three (3) days and the absence is excused, he/she has three (3) days upon return to school to make up any missed assignments. If a student exceeds ten (10) or more excused consecutive absences he/she is only allocated ten (10) days to make up any missed assignments. When circumstances warrant, a time extension may be arranged through the building administrators/ teachers.

If a student is going to be absent from school for three (3) or more days, please contact the school office to arrange a time to pick up requested assignments.

Reporting Off School

Reporting Off School

If your child is going to be absent from school, for any reason, please contact the school at 330-652-9968 ext. 0082 to report your child off. Upon returning to school, present a written excuse, dated and signed by a parent or guardian, stating the reason for being absent. Failure to contact the school or provide a written excuse within two (2) school days upon the student returning to school may result in disciplinary action. 

Auto Calls are made daily to remind parents/guardians to contact the school regarding student absences.

Signing Out Students

Students needing to leave school early must provide the building principal or designee with a note/phone call from the custodial parent stating the reason(s) for the student to leave early. Parents and/or guardians listed on the Emergency Medical Forms are encouraged to come into the office and sign the student out of school. Photo identification may be required. Parents/guardians may provide written/verbal permission via phone call for a student driver to leave early provided the building principal or designee can confirm the identification of the parent/guardian.

Eighteen year old students, as adults, may sign themselves out/in, but must adhere to the attendance policy and are responsible for all missed work and are subject to the same disciplinary action as all other students.

Student Illness at School

In the event a student becomes ill at school, or other circumstances arise, only those persons listed on the student's Emergency Medical Form (completed and submitted via Final Forms) will be contacted and will be permitted to pick up the student. Photo identification may be required. If contact person(s) cannot be reached, the student will remain at school.

Tardy to School

All students coming to school after the tardy bell (7:30 a.m.) will be considered tardy. Students who arrive after the tardy bell must report to the attendance office. They will be issued a tardy pass and need to present this pass to the teacher to be admitted to class. The only excused tardy will be medically excused absences.


Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule family vacations at times as to not interfere with the adopted school calendar. If there is no alternative to a family's scheduled vacation during the time when school is in session, parents must notify the school as soon as possible. Please refer to the attendance policy.


P: 330-652-9968 ext.0082

Information needed:
  • Your name
  • Student's name
  • Reason for calling off school
A parent/guardian may call this number anytime to report their child off school for the day. You may leave a message.

If no call is received by 7:30 a.m., an automatic call will be made from the school to home about the student absence.