The Niles City School District employs one Registered Nurse (RN), two Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), and one aide to promote and maintain the health and safety of the school community. This group of certified professionals serve as a vital link between healthcare providers, parents, and the educational institution, ensuring that students receive the necessary medical care and support during their time at school.
Please be sure to notify the school nurse if any information changes for your child during the school year. This includes contact information, medical condition changes, changes/additions/deletions in medication, etc. Up-to-date information is critical for us to have in case of an emergency.
In the event a student becomes ill at school, or other circumstances arise, only those persons listed on the student’s Emergency Medical Form will be contacted. If this contact cannot be made, the student will remain at school. Students are not permitted to use their cell phones to call home to be picked up.