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Niles City Schools

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Nursing Department

The Niles City School District employs one Registered Nurse (RN), two Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), and one aide to promote and maintain the health and safety of the school community. This group of certified professionals serve as a vital link between healthcare providers, parents, and the educational institution, ensuring that students receive the necessary medical care and support during their time at school. 

Please be sure to notify the school nurse if any information changes for your child during the school year. This includes contact information, medical condition changes, changes/additions/deletions in medication, etc. Up-to-date information is critical for us to have in case of an emergency.

In the event a student becomes ill at school, or other circumstances arise, only those persons listed on the student’s Emergency Medical Form will be contacted. If this contact cannot be made, the student will remain at school. Students are not permitted to use their cell phones to call home to be picked up.

Additional information on student health services can be found in each building's student handbook. Click here to access student handbooks.


Immunization Policy

In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the Board of Education requires all students to be immunized against poliomyelitis, measles, diphtheria, rubella, pertussis, tetanus, mumps, and others legally designated in accordance with State statutes, unless specifically exempt for medical or other reasons.

Proof of immunization is required upon enrollment into the district and must be updated as new immunizations are received and/or required.

Medication at School

If possible, all medications should be given by the parent/guardian at home. If this is not possible, it will only be administered in school in accordance with the following regulations:  
  1. Medication Authorization form (available on the right under Forms/Links) must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian and physician record requesting that the medication be administered to the student. This form can also be filled out and submitted in Final Forms. Doing so will eliminate the need for you to print and return the paper copy. 
  3. The medication must be received in the original container in which it was dispensed by the pharmacist. 
  4. All medication must be labeled with the student’s name, the dosage and time to be given, also the name of the medication.    
Building Administrators, School Nurses and authorized personnel are the only employees permitted to administer over-the-counter or prescription medication to students. Exceptions may be granted under federal and state laws governing the education of handicapped children.   

Cough drops are permitted in the classroom with a written note from a parent/guardian. These will remain in the possession of the classroom teacher and will be dispensed to the student appropriately.  

Over-the-counter medications can be given to students if proper documentation is on file. Click here to access the medication-as-needed form.

Role of School Nurses

School nurses are responsible for conducting health assessments, managing and administering medications, and providing first aid in case of accidents or illnesses. They play an important role in identifying and addressing health concerns, such as allergies, chronic illnesses, and mental health issues, which may affect a student's ability to learn and thrive academically.

Our school nurses also educate students, teachers, and parents about healthy living practices, hygiene, and preventive measures. They collaborate with educators to create a safe and inclusive learning environment that accommodates students with specific health needs, ultimately fostering an atmosphere where all students can reach their full potential.


Throughout the school year, the District may provide various exams or screenings, including dental, vision, and/or hearing.
Parents/guardians will be notified at the beginning of each school year, and as necessary throughout the year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when any examination or screening is scheduled.

When to Stay Home

The following symptoms/conditions may indicate the start of a communicable disease. In order to prevent spreading of germs of a contagious disease, please follow these guidelines: 

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours. 
    • Please do not send your child back to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as Tylenol or Motrin
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the last 24 hours 
  • Severe Cough 
  • Undetermined rash
  • Conjunctivitis/pinkeye - may include redness or itching of eyes and usually a yellow/green crust on eyelids, especially in the morning 
Medical Excuse Required 
Please provide a medical excuse for the following illnesses: 
  • Impetigo (24 hours after treatment has begun/draining sores must be covered)
  • Strep Throat (24 hours after treatment with prescription medicine and NO FEVER)
  • Ringworm (24 hours after treatment by doctor and covered with bandage; excluded from all contact sports until sores are gone)
  • Scabies (Treatment with prescription medicine) 
  • Influenza/FLU - Airborne transmitted viral disease characterized by: 
    • Fever of 101-104 degrees for several days 
    • Muscle aches and weakness; may last 2-3 weeks 
    • Extreme fatigue 
    • Headache
    • Respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold (cough, congestion, sneeze) 
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
    • Incubation is short, usually 1-3 days from contact
    • Children communicable for 7 days
    • Adults for 3-5 days 
Whenever a student sees a doctor, please provide the school with the doctor’s excuse for attendance records. Please contact the clinic to speak to the school nurse for any questions and/or concerns.


NIS - Melissa Pugh, RN, BSN
District Nurse
(330) 989-5093, ext. 6
[email protected]

NMHS - Jennifer Prox, Edu. Asst.
(330) 652-9968, ext. 6
[email protected]
NMS - Kimberlee Mackie, LPN
(330) 652-5656, ext. 6
[email protected]

NPS - Julie Coffey, LPN
(330) 989-5091, ext. 6
[email protected]