Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

The main focus of PBIS is an evidence-based, data-driven, multi-tiered framework to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at Niles Intermediate School. PBIS encourages the teaching of appropriate and desirable behaviors, rather than focusing on what children are “not” supposed to do. By treating behavior the same way we approach educational standards, students can be taught what is expected of them and their increased understanding of this will lead toward fewer disciplinary actions and a more positive overall school experience for teachers and students alike. PBIS creates consistency from one student to the next as well as one circumstance to the next. It allows for clear communication between administration, staff, students, and parents. It allows all parties involved to have an understanding of the breakdown of disciplinary actions and allows students to be more responsible for their overall educational experience. In these ways, positive behaviors and academic outcomes, that often correlate with less desirable behaviors, will increase for each student. 

Additional information about the PBIS process at Niles Intermediate School can be found in the Student Handbook.

Niles Intermediate School PBIS Mission Statement

The PBIS mission of Niles Intermediate School is to instruct all students in a safe, educational environment. We seek to produce lifelong learners who are respectful, responsible and productive learners, and members of a democratic society.

Behavioral Expectations Matrix

NIS Behavior Flow Chart

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