Principal's Message

Welcome to Niles Intermediate School

Christopher Staph Principal

We would like to extend a warm greeting to all of our students and parents.

Our primary goal is to provide a safe and orderly educational environment, conducive to learning with a strong focus on the Ohio Content Standards.  The Niles Intermediate School staff, students and administration take learning seriously. 

We have high expectations for all of our NIS students to give their best effort in and out of the classroom.  It is important that our students strive to follow our motto; to be ‘be Respectful, be Responsible and be Productive’ students and make correct choices daily.  

We know that it takes a partnership with families to inspire our students to attain the skills necessary to succeed as productive members of our society.  With the help from school and families, I know we can make a difference.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office at (330) 989–5093.


Christopher Staph

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