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Niles City Schools

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Student Resources

Expectations for Students
Outside the home, the school becomes an important element in teaching and reinforcing appropriate conduct expected by society. In order to function as a self-disciplined, self-directed, self-motivated, and responsible person, the school shall provide the greatest opportunity for teachers to teach and students to learn in the school environment. In order to maximize the school experience, each student is expected to:
  • Read, become familiar with, and abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of the student handbook.
  • Comply immediately with the rules and regulations, which govern student conduct in school, on school property, or at any school-sponsored activity.
  • Attend school and classes regularly.
  • Arrive punctually to school, classes, and all activities.
  • Come prepared with appropriate materials and attitude; and become an active participant in the instructional process.
  • Dress to meet the requirements of any class or activity.
  • Demonstrate respect for self and others.
  • Demonstrate respect for the right of others to have an unhindered educational opportunity.
  • Demonstrate respect for the physical space of others.
  • Demonstrate safe, responsible conduct at all times.
  • Demonstrate respect for one’s own property and the property of others.