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Administration Building
(330) 989-5095
(330) 989-5096 Fax

Niles McKinley High School
(330) 652-9968
(330) 505-0755 Fax

Niles Middle School
(330) 652-5656
(330) 652-9158 Fax

Niles Intermediate School
(330) 989-5093
(330) 989-5094 Fax

Niles Primary School
(330) 989-5091
(330) 989-5092 Fax

Transportation Department
(330) 652-5764
(330) 989-2501 Fax

Public Comments: The Niles City School District encourages the communities comments on educational issues and recognizes the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest. However, the district will not accept any anonymous letters. All letters must be signed in order to be recognized by the school district.

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